A gate between past and future.

The Gate




Melike Altinisik Architects



MAA, took part with the interactive installation at Tersane Istanbul in the 21st Brand Conference curated by In-Between Design Platform and led by Yapı Kredi World.

While presents an interactive spatial interface between “present” and “future” in this installation, MAA aims to give a new perspective that is sustainable awareness to heal the wounds we left to nature and humanity for the lives of the future.

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

In this editorial architectural film, we wanted to focus on what "The Gate" tells us. Prioritizing natural elements would be the strongest choice to narrate the relationship of the installation with the cityscape.

Because in order to construct the communication of alternative futures with technology and architecture, we must start by being inspired from today.

So we did our bit by looking around.


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