The modern architecture face of Turkey.





Arkitekt Online Magazine



In this long lasting relationship, we undertook the editorial shoots of Arkitekt Online Magazine's interviews with valuable names from the world of architecture projects from different regions of Turkey.

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

Projects Includes: Tavuk Evi, SO? Architecture and Ideas

29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Yurdu, Az-uz architecture and design studio

KA Evi, Erginoğlu & Çalışlar

Fitaş Pasajı, Salon Architects

Galata Apartmanı, WE're Architects

Buzağı Barınağı, Nevzat Sayın Mimarlık Hizmetleri

Handam İnek Barınağı, Mimarlar ve Han Tümertekin


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