Letting the city speak up about the Istanbul TV & Radio Tower.

Istanbul TV & Radio Tower




Melike Altinisik Architects



CTV Tower is a 396m tall, award-winning project, that you can see from almost every point of Istanbul.

With its futuristic facade and organic forms we wanted to take a step back then frame the dialogue between the tower and the cityscape. Bringing Istanbul as an actor into the film was our main purpose.

To see and feel as a user even if you're not connected with it before.

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

During this movie we filmed in 7 different district of the city for three days.

We started by seeing this project as a playground where we can meticulously organize our own aesthetic perception and approach to light thanks to its scope and wide shooting hours.

And then we desired you to watch the dance of sunlight from our very own eyes.


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