Stability of fluidity.

Feltouch: Flux


3D Animation


Feltouch Sustainable Acoustic Design



Agency: Griyer

Animation: Eka Creative Studio

Project Manager: Eslem Serra Özen

Creative Direction: Mehmet Akif Sarı

Coordinator: Tahircan Yarımoğlu

3D Artists: Umut Müezzinoğlu, Ceren Tüfek, Afşin Şahin

Feltouch launches its new product "Flux" designed by Yigit Ozer in Orgatec 2022, Cologne.

In this 3D film, we designed product-oriented light movements on an intense, dark theme to highlight the endless and fluid mobility that "Flux" leaves us with.

The main purpose of the scenario transformed from space to topography is to tell an innovation about these modules of Flux, can dance differently with new combinations of many motifs that have not yet been discovered.

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

During the commercial we didn't forget to wink to the designer's inspirations about the movements of solid surfaces.

We underline the absorbance of felt material with a wide tunnel vision by supporting it with advanced sound effect. This scene also explains the multitude of usage areas specificly for this product.‍


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